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Welcome to the St. Helens Multi-Agency Procedures Manual

Welcome to the latest version of your online Procedures Manual which is produced and maintained in partnership with tri.x. This replaces all previous procedures manuals.

The St. Helens Safeguarding Partnership are adopting the Signs of Safety child protection framework that will be implemented across all descriptors of need. The St. Helens Multi-Agency Procedures Manual will incorporate/align procedures, guidance and child protection arrangements to follow the Signs of Safety core principles and make amendments as and where appropriate.

Please see 'Using this Manual' for details about the way this manual works.

This manual is updated on a regular basis and you can register to be alerted to any changes by clicking here

For further details, please contact the Safeguarding Children Partnership. Email:

See also Safeguarding Partnership Arrangements Resource.

Note: There is ongoing restructuring of the St. Helens Safeguarding Partnership, which will be reflected in these procedures as it develops.

Please note: this Manual will be updated regularly, so staff should avoid retaining printed versions - hard copies are only valid for 72 hours and should then be discarded.

Last Updated: April 24, 2024
